Saturday, November 18, 2006

Hunting=Trails Closed
Last Thursday was the official closing date for mountain biking at Standing Rocks County Park that was an extension over last years October 31st date. The 13 plus miles of singletrack saw a lot of local cyclists discover what mountain biking is all about for the first time at the Wednesday night group rides, National Trail Day, Take A Kid Mountain Biking Day or just exploring on there own. The 16 day extension over last years date was one of the big accomplishments of PASTA(Point Area Single Track Assoc.) as it brought another few weeks of great singletrack riding before the weather and hunting season take the park over each Fall.

With the trail closure, the first day of hunting, and a weekend off. I'm trying to decide if I'll go out on my road bike today or maybe wait until the surrounding back roads quite down from all the excitement and guns being fired across the county in hopes of landing the 30 point buck. I've got some motivation to go out with three sets of American Classic road wheelsets setting in my kitchen to road test if I'm willing. Dodging stray bullets does have more of an attraction versus cleaning the garage and house as Thanksgiving gets closer with relatives coming for the feast and weekend.

1 comment:

HDHB said...

you should really let me test some of those wheels, i got a pair of hurricanes this fall for my cx bike and love em'