Friday, July 21, 2006

24-9 Course Pre-Ride Sunday
Not a whole lot happening this weekend with a full day of work on Saturday at the shop. Sunday, I plan on riding the 24-9 course a few times early in the day to give me time to go through both of my bikes before the race next weekend in the afternoon. After looking at the posted map on the 24-9 site, I have to admit that I was disappointed that the "Ho-Chi-Minh" trail was left out of the race. It looks as though more ski trail has been added to extend the distance from last years course. I'll give my thoughts on the course after my pre-ride later on Sunday. Go Floyd!

Finally, my Chequamegon 40 confirmation card arrived today with a preferred start position. This will be my 12th 40. I'm still trying to decide about racing the Ore 2 Shore August 12th. With the 24-9 followed by our Midwest Recumbent Rally that we put on and about sixty plus hours at work that next week, my recovery time will have taken a beating. I'll need to talk to "Big D" and see if he's still looking for someone to head up to Marquette with.

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