Tuesday, March 03, 2009

IceMan Waste of My Time

The registration crap that the IceMan Cometh has gotten itself into by going with a company that was changing their site just before registration opened, has totally caused me to lose faith in these processes. I've spent enough time on the computer trying to register to get myself almost half way to Traverse City by automobile and the drive in total is a less stressful nine hours. The registration should not take longer than the race itself. It's come to the point where I want to ask the IceMan...What do I get back for my $65.00 plus the additional fee to www.sportsbaseonline.com? Yes, the event is amazing, otherwise the thousands of others like me wouldn't be trying to register, but what was maybe saving a few dollars(my assumption)by going with a different company(not proven like others IMO)really going to get the race organizers? Maybe a lot of unnecessary stress and having to send out another emergency band-aid email like the one below last evening when they don't know really what to do...

"Thank you for your efforts to get registered for this year's Iceman Cometh Challenge. I know that last Friday and tonight were both very frustrating and disappointing.
We appreciate your efforts to participate and your passion for the event!
Dear Scott,

We have suspended the online registrations for the moment due to unprecented activity on the SBO site.

Now we have to step back and will be spend quite a bit of time in the next few days scrubbing the registrations that were sucessful tonight. Those sucessful entries are 100% valid.

However, there are still quite a number of corrections that need to be made in order to have a good solid list of particpants. Once the database is in order, we'll post a list of the riders that are currently registered.

Regardless, of the method we use to move forward from here, it will be some time before we'll be able to announce just what that method will be.

Honestly, right now, I am leaning towards going back to the "Old School" method of paper entries for the remainder of the field.
Thank you again for your patience!

I know you have a choice about which events you attend throughout the year and I can only say that the 2009 Iceman will rise above this registration disaster!
Now go ride and work your frustrations out!"

Steve Brown

So far I've lost both Friday and Monday evenings trying to log onto this companies site to hand over my funds in order to sign up and race in November. It shouldn't be this difficult...Thankfully the MMBA forum has been entertaining with the posts from other frustrated racers...Rant on...

1 comment:

EXPO Racing said...

I was sitting in class last night getting in trouble cause I had My labtop out. I told the teach, "I am doing a super quick register for a race that is going to fill up really quick, If I don't do it now I won't get in."

"Super quick" turn into 2 hours of refresh, reload, refresh, reload, refresh, reload(in class, oh well)...

I just hope, when all is said and done, All who wanted in will get in. It is too fun of a race to have it any other way.