Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sick Ward
The last three days have been nothing but suffering at my house with all four family members being taken down with a bad stomach virus. Little Sebastian was the first to get sick on both Saturday evening and Sunday morning. Later on Sunday morning I did have a sour feeling stomach as Mark and I headed out to Standing Rocks for our final mountain bike ride of the season before the park closes. We also helped with a re-route on section one afterward and it seemed like a normal Sunday afternoon at home until Laura got deadly sick around dinner time. After getting the kids taken care of and in bed, my evening started to take a turn for the worse around midnight when I succumbed to the sickness that was slowly creeping through the house. Monday saw all four of us at home with Laura and I still in bad shape with a re-energized Sebastian starting to feel better and Avita complaining about her stomach hurting. This morning seemed to be better until I started having issues again and Avita finally was stricken with the same symptoms the rest of us experienced. So today it's just the two of us trying to rid our bodies of whatever we caught with lots of sleep, fluids and good old chicken noodle soup. I'm hoping to be back at work tomorrow and feeling a little better if that's possible. At least this all happened after my race season was finished. Pedal on...

1 comment:

Scott Cole said...

Quick Update: So much for all of us getting better. I just had to pick-up Sebastian from daycare early because of liquid poo issues and multiple diaper and clothing changes. What's next this week?