Saturday, November 11, 2006

White Stuff Falling from the Sky
The snow Gods were watching as yesterday marked the start of the ski season at the Hostel Shoppe with our pre season sale. Heavy, wet snow fell making it impossible for some of our employees to even hit the parking lot as one of the college students slid off into the ditch with many of us as witnesses. This snow has already reminded me of how much I miss being out on my bike in warmer weather. I consider this week my last of a few weeks where I'll be lazy before I put together my program and goals for next season. If I survive today at work I'll begin to put together my resume for sponsorship and other support before the weekend is over. I also need to assemble my commuter bike so it helps me to get a few miles in back and forth to work. Last winter I missed an average of only four working days a month commuting through all sorts of crappy weather. I hope to duplicate that this winter as it helped greatly with getting up to speed once the long base miles started in January when the roads cleared up. Off to work I go...

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